Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000238_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sat Nov 22 18:01:12 1997.msg
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From: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 22:29:10 +0100
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Subject: Re: Hi All
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On 22-Nov-97, Dave Nuttall. smashed the keyboard with:
>I recently posted a message to CU-Amigas newsgroup asking if somebody
>could give me any information on which is the best language to start
>programming, I got various replies but the general opinion was that
>Amos was a dead language, but then I happened across the Amos list
>that was on the latest CU-CD and I then realized that this was in fact
>the reverse. Then some kind person emailed me saying that he would let
>me have Amos-Pro boxed and also Mastering Amos for the price of the
>postage (5.15) which I gladly accepted :-) so it looks like I will be
>using this group as I'm gonna need a little bit of help in the future
>so please be patient as I know zero at the moment but I'm studying
>Mastering Amos which is slowly making sense, Anyway Hi all
> Dave.
Welcome, nice to hear that there's still new-commers to the list and AMOS.
Problems ??.. Ask, Ask, Ask, Please, course it's so nice a feeling to help
others :-)))
Happy greetings, Yours..
/_ __/ __ / __ /\ ___\ __ \__ _\ aka. JENS VANG PETERSEN
/ / / /_/ / ____/ \ \___\ __ \ \ \ Nyvej 8, DK-4450 Jyderup, Denmark
/_/ /_____/_/ \_____\_\ \_\ \_\ top_cat@post8.tele.dk
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